Kevin and Pete
Kevin is known to many as BBK- Big Bald Kev and is a legal assistant, husband to Pete. Kevin has a dry sarcastic inappropriate sense of humor, loves Jeeps, his fixie, tattoos, live music, horticulture, speaking Danish and anything culinary. Kevin is a larger than life unique gentle giant (6’5”) and is often seen on his deck.
Pete is an animal lover and zookeeper for over 30 years, and is currently into ants, yes ants! He likes anything outside, including gardening, bird watching and hiking. Pete is very social at work and when he lead hikes, so this social distancing has been an interesting experience for him.

Ben, Maria and Sarah
Ben and Sarah are engaged and are new to the neighborhood. Ben is a product manager, and Sarah is a teacher and Maria’s granddaughter. Maria is originally from Lucca in the north of Italy, is 95 and has been an Arlington resident for nearly 60 years.

Joanne and Wendy
Joanne is self-employed in landscape maintenance and design and Wendy is a minister. Tho they are each holding their favorite tools, they share a common love of gardening and golfing, and can often be seen loading their golf clubs into the car early mornings as they head out to the golf course or emptying the car at the end of the day with new plants to either put into the ground or share with the neighbors.

Liz, Chuck and Olive
Liz is a librarian working from home and Chuck is a trombonist who, like many, anticipates being out of work through August. Olive is a nine-month-old Great Dane filled with the frustration that social distancing means less attention from friends.

Rita is in the financial services industry and is standing next to her favorite spot at her house, the deck where she entertains friends regularly during the warmer days of the year. Her new knee replacement surgery has given her new lease on life and she looks forward to spending more time in Ireland once the troubles on our own shores recede.

SuMing, RoRo and Nike
SuMing and family bring an infectious joy to the neighborhood through her constant smile and can often be seen running or working out. She is married to Jeff and they have two young children and an Aussie Nike. RoRo has a considerable collection of baseballs, basketballs, soccer balls, tennis balls, footballs and more which are constantly escaping his universe throughout the neighborhood

Kevin and Pete
Kevin is known to many as BBK- Big Bald Kev and is a legal assistant, husband to Pete. Kevin has a dry sarcastic inappropriate sense of humor, loves Jeeps, his fixie, tattoos, live music, horticulture, speaking Danish and anything culinary. Kevin is a larger than life unique gentle giant (6’5”) and is often seen on his deck.
Pete is an animal lover and zookeeper for over 30 years, and is currently into ants, yes ants! He likes anything outside, including gardening, bird watching and hiking. Pete is very social at work and when he lead hikes, so this social distancing has been an interesting experience for him.
Ben, Maria and Sarah
Ben and Sarah are engaged and are new to the neighborhood. Ben is a product manager, and Sarah is a teacher and Maria’s granddaughter. Maria is originally from Lucca in the north of Italy, is 95 and has been an Arlington resident for nearly 60 years.
Joanne and Wendy
Joanne is self-employed in landscape maintenance and design and Wendy is a minister. Tho they are each holding their favorite tools, they share a common love of gardening and golfing, and can often be seen loading their golf clubs into the car early mornings as they head out to the golf course or emptying the car at the end of the day with new plants to either put into the ground or share with the neighbors.
Liz, Chuck and Olive
Liz is a librarian working from home and Chuck is a trombonist who, like many, anticipates being out of work through August. Olive is a nine-month-old Great Dane filled with the frustration that social distancing means less attention from friends.
Rita is in the financial services industry and is standing next to her favorite spot at her house, the deck where she entertains friends regularly during the warmer days of the year. Her new knee replacement surgery has given her new lease on life and she looks forward to spending more time in Ireland once the troubles on our own shores recede.
SuMing, RoRo and Nike
SuMing and family bring an infectious joy to the neighborhood through her constant smile and can often be seen running or working out. She is married to Jeff and they have two young children and an Aussie Nike. RoRo has a considerable collection of baseballs, basketballs, soccer balls, tennis balls, footballs and more which are constantly escaping his universe throughout the neighborhood